Tag: cadence

Generating Corners for ADE-XL with Python

I’ve been using ADE-XL to run corner simulations lately. I like that it lets me set up a specification for simulations (AKA a scoreboard) and then runs through different corners. And it supports distributed or parallel computing. But getting things like corner definitions in there is difficult. You’d have to hand-enter them. Luckily, Cadence allows […]

More updates to the CDSVN scripts

Our friend from Brazil (Nilton Jr) sent us the attached update last year: CDSVN. I’m just getting around to posting them now. I haven’t tried them out, but they are “customizations [they] made to [their] environment”. Also, we got another contribution from Iou Bingyong: svnMenu.il. He says: I’m in China and I have tried your […]

Creating a Nyquist plot with Cadence

Cadence has a stability analysis that returns loop gain (return ratio). Typically, this is done using a log sweep of frequency. The reason is that doing a uniform linear sweep results in too large frequency steps for low frequencies and/or too large of a step for higher frequencies. Unfortunately, when you do a logarithmic sweep, […]

For loops in Cadence

If one is doing an analysis over a range of variables, one should use the paramAnalysis ocean function. That said, I’m constantly having to look up how to do a for loop in Skill. So, I’m placing a couple examples where I know I can get to them.

Updates to Cadence/Subversion (CDSVN) scripts

Our Brazilian Friends PCS and NGJr have offered the following changes to the CDSVN package: Into the file “cdsLibMgr.lib” was created the menu item “SVN Unlock Cell” Into the file “svnLockCell.il” were created the procedures “svnUnlockCell” and “svnUnlockCellFormCB” Inside the procedures “svnUnlockCellFormCB” and “svnUnlockCVFormCB” were made the following changes: where you have: if( !(rexMatchp(“.*.svn$”, file~>readPath) […]
