Ocean/skill script follows. Select a net. Press ctrl-g. Now that net is your “reference”. Select a different net (or the same net if you are fond of trivial signals). Press ctrl-r that second net is plotted relative to the reference.
This is useful for debugging multiple supply domains, supply/ground bounce, and differential circuits.
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procedure( relVT(netname) VT(netname) - VTGND ) procedure( selVT() wid=hiGetCurrentWindow() path = geGetAdjustedPath(wid strcat(geGetInstHier(wid) "/" car(geGetSelSet())~>net~>name)) relVT(path) ) procedure( setGnd() wid=hiGetCurrentWindow() path = geGetAdjustedPath(wid strcat(geGetInstHier(wid) "/" car(geGetSelSet())~>net~>name)) VTGND = VT(path) ) procedure( plotSelVT() let( ((sVT selVT())) plot(sVT) ) ) hiSetBindKey("Schematics" "CtrlR" "plotSelVT()") hiSetBindKey("Schematics" "CtrlG" "setGnd()") |